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Love, Like Ghosts: A Bay City Paranormal Investigations Story Page 17

  “Move and I’ll give it to you.” Greg shoved Adrian’s hand out of the way. “Greedy bastard.”

  Adrian fell back onto his elbows, legs splayed obscenely wide just for the pleasure of watching the desire ignite in Greg’s eyes. “Hurry. I…I want to suck you while you suck me.”

  Greg’s eyebrows shot up. Heat flooded Adrian’s face, but he held Greg’s gaze without flinching. For all his blunt honesty in other areas, Adrian rarely talked during sex. He’d certainly never said anything as direct as what he had just now. It made him feel horribly vulnerable. But he loved the way it made Greg look at him—as if he wanted to eat him alive.

  Rising onto his knees, Greg shimmied his jeans and underwear down as far as he could, then plopped onto his butt, yanked the clothes off and threw them on the floor. Naked at last, he stretched himself out over Adrian’s body. A lazy flex of his hips slid his bare cock against Adrian’s. He swallowed Adrian’s groan with a kiss.

  Adrian planted one hand on Greg’s ass, buried the other in his hair and thrust upward. Electricity skated over Adrian’s skin. He whimpered into Greg’s mouth. God, at this rate he was going to come inside of two minutes.

  Greg tore his mouth from Adrian’s and pushed up on his hands. “Sorry, but if we don’t stop now and rearrange ourselves the fun’s gonna be over before it starts.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” Smiling, Adrian ran his palms down Greg’s sides and grasped his hipbones. “This is fun, though.”

  “Definitely.” Greg leaned down and nipped Adrian’s lower lip. “But you mentioned a sixty-nine.” He licked away the faint sting where his teeth had dug in, then kissed the end of Adrian’s nose. “Once a sixty-nine has been suggested, there’s no going back.”

  “Oh, I see.” Adrian slid one hand between Greg’s thighs to cup his balls. “Didn’t know that was a rule.”

  “Mm-hm. You learn something new every day.” A shudder ran the length of Greg’s back when Adrian’s fingers curled around his shaft. He moaned, his head lolling downward and his eyelids fluttering. “Jesus, Adrian. Stop, or I’m gonna come.”

  Adrian stifled a smirk. In the time they’d been together, he’d perfected the art of enhancing his touch with a jolt of psychokinesis. As long as he never completely let himself go during sex, his abilities remained fully under his control and he could use them to ramp up the pleasure for Greg without putting him in danger. Of course it meant holding back a part of himself during an act which ought to be about sharing oneself completely, but he could live with that if it meant keeping Greg safe.

  He swiped the pad of his thumb across the head of Greg’s cock as his hand dropped away. Greg’s body jerked. A droplet of precome clung to Adrian’s thumb. He stuck it in his mouth and sucked off the still-warm fluid, staring into Greg’s eyes.

  Groaning, Greg pushed up until he sat astride Adrian’s hips. “If you want to suck something, suck my cock.” He turned around to face Adrian’s feet and scooted backward until his genitals swung above Adrian’s face. “Thumb-sucking tease.”

  “I never tease.” Adrian snaked an arm around Greg’s hips. “Come here.”

  Greg’s knees slid apart. Adrian took Greg’s cock in his hand and guided it into his mouth. Just as he relaxed his throat to take Greg as deep as he could, he felt Greg’s warm, wet mouth engulf the head of his prick and glide down the shaft. With a strangled grunt, Adrian spread his legs as wide as they would go and wriggled his butt, hoping Greg would get the hint. He loved it when Greg fingered his ass while sucking him off.

  As usual, Greg got the message. The wet heat drew away from Adrian’s cock. He heard a slurping sound. A second later, two slick fingers penetrated him and made a beeline for his prostate. He dug his hands into Greg’s thighs and managed an appreciative sound in spite of his mouthful.

  Greg laughed, the sound rough and breathless. “I’m getting you a dildo for your birthday.”

  Adrian had half a second to wonder if Greg was serious. Then that mind-scrambling suction was back on Adrian’s cock and he forgot about everything but the wet heat of Greg’s mouth and the sweet torture of Greg’s fingers battering his gland.

  It felt incredible, just as it always did when Greg sucked him. Better, in fact. He’d never engaged in simultaneous oral sex before, but if it was always like this, they were going to have to do it more often. Being sucked off while his mouth was full of cock had to be one of the most intense things he’d ever experienced.

  So intense, in fact, that he felt the need to come building low in his belly after mere minutes, and that just wouldn’t do. He wanted this to last. Closing his eyes, Adrian concentrated on the faint salty flavor of Greg’s skin, his musky scent, the hard length of his cock sliding in and out of Adrian’s throat. He ran both palms up and down Greg’s thighs, paying close attention to the way the hairs tickled his palms. Tiny tremors shook the hard muscles when Greg rocked back into his touch.

  Once he felt more in control of himself, Adrian slid one hand up over the swell of Greg’s ass and rubbed his thumb over Greg’s hole with the light, gentle touch he knew Greg loved. The tiny opening pulsed in response. Greg moaned around Adrian’s cock. The vibrations sent shockwaves up Adrian’s shaft directly into his brain. His psychokinesis reacted with a blast of energy that raised gooseflesh all over his body and wrenched his orgasm from him with such violence that his hips snapped upward and smacked Greg in the chin.

  Through the pulse-pounding haze of his release, he was vaguely aware of Greg’s fingers pulling out of his ass, Greg’s hands holding his hips firmly to the bed, Greg’s skilled and determined mouth sucking him dry. Only when Adrian’s prick started to go soft did Greg finally let it slip from his lips. He rested his cheek against Adrian’s belly.

  Adrian would’ve laughed if he hadn’t had his mouth full. So much for making it last.

  “Adrian,” Greg panted. His breath felt cool against Adrian’s wet, still-sensitive cock. “So close.”

  The raw need in Greg’s voice made Adrian feel better. At least he wasn’t the only one who couldn’t keep it together for more than a few minutes tonight.

  Without the distraction of Greg’s mouth on him, Adrian was free to concentrate on nothing but getting Greg off. Circling the base of Greg’s shaft with a thumb and forefinger and keeping the other hand on Greg’s butt, Adrian guided Greg’s cock deep into his throat. He swallowed around the head a couple of times—a difficult trick to learn, but worth it for the way it made Greg cry out in agonized bliss—then drew back, sucking as hard as he could.

  That was all it took. Greg’s hips whip-cracked forward and he came with a low, pitiful whine, shaking all over. Adrian gagged, grasped Greg by the hipbones and pushed him up until just the head of his cock remained in Adrian’s mouth. Eyes watering, Adrian swallowed as best he could. The overflow leaked out the corners of his mouth to trickle down his neck.

  He couldn’t bring himself to care. Sixty-nine, he decided, was absolutely the most brilliant invention in the known universe. He’d damn well learn how to be on the bottom and not gag, just as long as they got to do this on a regular basis.

  Turning his head, he let Greg’s cock slip from his mouth and grinned. “Was it good for you?”

  Greg let out a satisfied sigh. “Oh, my God. You’re such a smart-ass.”

  “And you apparently wouldn’t know a direct answer if it hit you upside the head, so I’m taking that as a yes.” Adrian gave Greg’s ass a smack. “Come up here.”

  “Can’t move,” came the muttered answer from the vicinity of Adrian’s groin.

  “Yes, you can.” Tilting his head just so, he snagged the head of Greg’s cock very, very gently between his teeth. Greg squeaked and tried to squirm away. Adrian let go before Greg could hurt himself. “Come on, Greg.”

  “Fine.” Grumbling under his breath, Greg pushed up on his hands, turned himself around and snuggled against Adrian’s chest. He grinned, gray eyes sparkling. “You look like a porn star.”

Adrian took in Greg’s flushed face, swollen lips and wildly tangled hair with amusement. “You’re one to talk.” He arched an eyebrow. “You have a little something at the corner of your mouth, just there.” Grabbing Greg’s face in both hands, Adrian pulled him close and licked off the bit of semen drying at the edge of his lip.

  Greg laughed. “Man, I am not even pointing out the obvious here.” He ducked his head and lapped the stream of fluid from one side of Adrian’s neck, then the other. That task accomplished, he leaned in and shared it with Adrian in a long, lazy kiss. When they drew apart, Greg licked his lips. “Mmm. I do love make-up sex.”

  Make-up sex. Adrian’s heart lurched. For a while there, he’d almost forgotten why Greg was here in the first place, and the seriousness of the fight they’d had. Now, it all came rushing back. He’d fucked up, badly, and he had to make sure it never happened again. What he had with Greg was too important to lose. Not for Lyndon, not for anyone.

  Framing Greg’s face between his hands, Adrian gazed into his eyes. “It was great sex. But I don’t want to have any more reasons for make-up sex. I swear to you, right now, that I won’t hide anything else from you, ever. I screwed up, and I don’t intend to ever let that happen again.”

  Something flickered in Greg’s eyes and vanished before Adrian could pin a name on it. Greg smiled, his expression warm and open. “We all fuck up sometimes, Adrian. It’s okay.” He brushed a stray lock of hair from Adrian’s eyes. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  Adrian’s throat tightened. “Of course you can. You can always stay here, you know that.”

  “Yeah, I know. I just like to hear you say it.” Greg pressed a light kiss to Adrian’s lips, then pushed to a sitting position. “I’m hungry. Let’s get cleaned up and go eat, huh?”

  Right on cue, Adrian’s stomach growled. “Spinach lasagna in the dining hall tonight. Let’s go.”

  Greg jumped up and pulled Adrian to his feet. They headed to the bathroom hand in hand. As they climbed into the shower together and Greg melted into his arms, Adrian felt a swell of hope. Maybe everything would be all right after all.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next day, Adrian joined some of his classmates at Alpine Bagel for lunch since Greg was busy, then headed to Groome Castle to try connecting with Lyndon once more. He hummed to himself as he strolled up the gravel road. It felt good to have the whole thing out in the open. He wondered if that honesty would make a difference in his attempts to communicate with Lyndon. Maybe the stress of keeping secrets—lying, he reminded himself—had been holding him back all this time. Now that he’d come clean with Greg, maybe he’d be able to break through the last barrier and find the final pieces to the puzzle of Lyndon’s death.

  Inside the tower room, he settled cross-legged on the cold stone floor and closed his eyes. He drew a couple of slow, deep breaths and relaxed his control over his psychokinesis. All the hairs on his arms stood up as his power crackled through the air. “Lyndon? Are you here?”

  When he felt the telltale warmth pulse through him a heartbeat later, he didn’t even try to hold back his laughter. He opened his eyes and smiled at Lyndon, who hovered a few feet away. “Hello, Lyndon. I hope you feel like talking today, because I’m ready to listen. More ready than I’ve ever been.”

  Lyndon’s pale eyes fixed him with the same melancholy stare as always. The phantom lips moved, shaping the only word Lyndon ever spoke—Cassius…

  The name echoed in Adrian’s head, along with a sense of loneliness and loss so huge it made his throat ache with the threat of tears. He blinked away the sting behind his eyelids. “I’m trying, Lyndon. I’m looking for Cassius, so I can hopefully find out what happened to you. But the quickest way for me to do that would be for you to show me. I know you remember. We’re both going to have to try harder, that’s all.”

  Lyndon didn’t answer, but Adrian thought his gaze sharpened a little.

  Adrian’s pulse quickened in response. He forced it to slow down again. If he was to accomplish his goal today, he couldn’t afford anything less than complete relaxation.

  “I’m going to go into a trance state now. I’m going to try to go deeper than I have before, and give you more access to my mind. I want you to show me everything you remember. Okay?” Adrian studied Lyndon’s translucent features, trying to determine whether or not he understood. His expression didn’t change, but then again it rarely did. All Adrian could do was try and hope for the best. He smiled. “All right. Here we go.”

  Adrian closed his eyes and began the breathing exercises designed to open his subconscious mind. To his delight, the semi-trance state he sought came easier to him than it had in months. It only took a few moments for his body to relax and his mind to focus inward. His awareness of the world around him drifted away until he no longer noticed the room’s damp chill, and the susurration of the wind through the branches outside became nothing more than a whisper at the edge of consciousness.

  As reality faded, Lyndon’s presence grew more solid, until Adrian swore he could almost hear the faint patter of blood on stone and the soft sound of Lyndon’s breathing. Adrian concentrated on the thread of Lyndon’s energy intertwined with his own and forced all other thoughts from his mind. There was no hurry. He had time. Impatience would only destroy the fragile connection between himself and Lyndon. Stillness strengthened that bond. He pictured his mind as an empty crystal bowl, waiting to be filled with Lyndon’s memories, and prepared himself to wait as long as necessary.

  Before long, the familiar visions began to flow from Lyndon to him. Adrian watched them as they flickered past, allowed the associated emotions to wash through him and let them go. He’d studied those images in his memory until he knew them as well as he knew the family photos hanging on the walls of his apartment. They held no surprises, nothing new for him to learn.

  Adrian breathed in through his nose for a slow count of four, then blew the air out of his lungs through pursed lips for a slower count of five. He did it again, and kept going. By the sixth repetition, his head began to buzz. By the time he lost count, he’d managed a deeper trance state than he’d ever been able to achieve in the past.

  Floating in the depths of his own subconscious, he became aware of the urgent push of Lyndon’s mind against his. The last of his mental barriers dropped, and he let out an inarticulate cry as a barrage of new images assaulted him…

  …Passing Cassius on the street. A nod, a cool hello, trying to hide the instant flare of love and desire, but God it’s so hard when that same desire burns in his eyes too…

  …“Dirty queer!” A punch to the jaw, another to the gut. Left bruised and bloodied in the alley behind the bar. Cassius curses the two strangers to hell when he finds out, and heals the wounds with gentle kisses…

  …Lightning, bright white and jagged. Tower stabbing the night sky. Bare trees thrashing the castle walls…

  …“I’m Cassius. Pleased to meet you, Lyndon.”…

  …Leaving, together. Tomorrow. Surely there’s a place in this world where men like them can go and not be afraid all the time. Cassius thinks perhaps California…

  …Rain. Wind. Wet earth. Branches overhead…

  …White collar. Blue flowers. Smear of dirt on the corner. A stubbled cheek, tendons straining in a sweat-beaded neck, thin lips pulled back in a rictus of fury. Agony drowns the anger and fear, then everything blurs and goes black…

  Adrian came back to himself with tears running down his face. He drew a shaking breath. The final image still lingered, burned onto his retinas. He wondered if he’d ever stop seeing it or feeling the horrible sense of finality that went along with it.

  Opening his eyes, he met Lyndon’s inscrutable gaze. “I was right, wasn’t I? That’s when you died. That collar is the last thing you saw.”

  Lyndon didn’t answer—didn’t react at all, in fact—but he didn’t need to. Adrian knew the truth. He’d felt the sickening crunch of Lyndon’s skull cracking, the impotent wrath and panic in
the seconds before Lyndon lost consciousness, when he’d realized he was about to die.

  “I could almost see his face. Almost.” Adrian scrubbed the moisture from his cheeks. “Okay. Wow. I think that’s as much as I can handle today, Lyndon. I’m sorry.”

  Unsurprisingly, Lyndon rendered no opinion one way or the other regarding Adrian’s announcement. However, when Adrian rose to leave, Lyndon hovered before him with one bloodied palm out and his colorless eyes staring straight into Adrian’s. The ghostly lips moved, but made no sound.

  Adrian shook his head. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand. If I was still in a trance state—”

  His words dissolved into a strangled gasp when Lyndon’s diaphanous form rushed forward and plunged straight into Adrian’s chest.

  Unlike Lyndon’s psychic energy, his physical manifestation felt icy cold. Adrian’s body went instantly numb. His breath froze. Yet inside him, deep in his heart and brain and belly, Lyndon’s warmth burned like a supernova.

  “Help me,” a low voice whispered in Adrian’s head. “Find me. Release me.”

  As quickly as it had happened, it was over. The sensation of cold and heat and another mind inside his own vanished, and Adrian could breathe again. He bent over and rested his hands on his knees until his head stopped spinning.

  When he straightened up again, Lyndon was nowhere to be seen. Adrian didn’t bother calling for him. He knew from experience that it wouldn’t do any good.

  “Goodbye, Lyndon.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I don’t know when I’ll get to come back, but I hope it’ll be soon. Maybe this weekend.”

  Adrian studied the empty room. Sunshine poured through the tall, narrow windows, making the room glow with the same pale golden light it had in Lyndon’s memories. The connection between Lyndon’s past and his own present made Adrian smile.

  With one last look around, Adrian strode to the door and started down the stairs. He had so much to tell Greg.

  Greg was still in one of his theater classes when Adrian returned to campus from Groome Castle. It was too cold to wait in the deep shade of the old cemetery’s gazebo like he usually did. Instead, he stretched out in a sunny spot on the grass just inside the wall surrounding the graveyard. He had at least forty-five minutes to wait before Greg got out of class, but he didn’t mind. A little quiet time in the sunshine to assimilate what he’d just experienced would be a good thing.